
Unicaja Bank supporting Almeria’s farming sector with pre-granted loans for intensive agriculture

Unicaja Bank, mindful of the importance that the farming and livestock sectors hold, has always offered them its support through different initiatives. Now that is truer than ever given the situation derived by the COVID-19 pandemic having, which has rendered the activity of these sectors as essential. This situation affects Almeria even more due to the economic focus of the province.

That’s the reason why Unicaja Bank set up a 600 million euro credit line aimed at the coming campaign in intensive agriculture, so important for Almeria. These funds will go to cover both the financial needs of the upcoming campaign as well as any investment that the farmers themselves might deem necessary.

Unicaja Bank’s support materializes in the continuous adaptation of its products following the needs of farmers, stock breeders and the companies working on the sector (marketing, distribution and other auxiliar industries), with the goal of offering a wide and specialized catalogue of products encompassing from intensive and herbaceus farming to the olive tree sector, viticulturists, marketing companies and the rest of the food industry chain.


On the other hand, Unicaja Bank has kept processing the filings for the CAP funds, whose deadline was postponed until June 15th by the European Union due to the reality brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. The bank is offering its clients a personalized assistance through the management and processing of their applications, as well as the possibility of advancing the payment themselves, to which end the entity set up an over 300 million euro credit line.

The involvement of Unicaja Bank with the CAP funds for agriculture through its different programs (for young farmers, green development or minimum salary support) comes from their commitment to the farming sector, materialized in the offering of services, both in terms of funding and consultation; the establishing of specific agreements and their involvement with the other companies in the sector.

Together, the 600 million euros dedicated to intensive farming plus the 342 million euros coming from the CAP advance payments amount to over 900 million euros which will be distributed across all its areas of operations through 2 distinct lines of pre-approved loans.

Insurance and the Unigreen Card

From among Unicaja Bank’s catalogue of services for intensive crop farmers, it is important to highlight the wide arrange of specific farming insurances with which to better manage the risks present for both crops and the areas and structures that support them, offering them an interest rate of 0% on their policies. To be precise, on June 1st was established the 306 Credit Line for Farming Insurance aimed for greenhouse farmers.

The bank has also release a new product, the Unigreen Card, aimed at covering expenditure generated during the campaign. In particular, it can be used in the over 600 shops and stores associated with the Unigreen agreement, in order to defer payments until the end of the campaign. It won’t incur in any emission or maintenance costs and allows the client to choose among a variety of payment methods.

On the other hand, Unicaja Bank’s commitment towards the promotion of environmentally friendly and sustainable initiatives materializes in its comprehensive Environmental and Climatic Change Policy, integrated within their Corporate Social Responsibility. That is the main reason behind their support of investments aimed at increasing the energetic efficiency and modernization of greenhouses in order to reduce environmental impact and combat climatic change.


million euros in credit
lines for greenhouse farming


million euros in creditlines
as advancements of CAP funds


million euros in support
of thefarming sector


businesses adhered to the UNIGREEN agreement

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